Our Classes

Where Fun Comes First

Early sport specialisation can have negative consequences on young children, especially when winning is placed above the joy of movement. CrossFit Preschool places the joy of movement above all else and is designed to help children develop a positive relationship with exercise through games.

Class Structure.

Our class structure is unique and designed specifically for the
3—5 year attention span. Our mini-athletes will be in the gym for a total of 30 minutes with session plans set at 20:00 of movement.

Here’s an example breakdown of a regular weekly session plan.

Min 0 - 1 : Whiteboard Brief

The key components of the session are drawn in pictures for younger children to understand.

Min 1 - 5 : Skill Work

1 to 2 skills will be taught, bodyweight only. We utilise the very start of the class for teaching.

Min 5 - 10: General Warm Up

An all body movement circuit or game that allows for an entire body warm-up.

Min 10 - 15: Workout

An age appropriate workout that draws upon movements learned in the skill section and general warm-up. Teaching our preschoolers to start counting reps and allowing more time for our coaches to teach and correct. Nothing is scored because movement quality is paramount. This also teaches children that it isn’t about winning or losing, it is about learning to move well.

Min 15 - 20: Game

The part all children look forward to the most! This will still incorporate movements learned throughout the session but the primary objective is to end the session with the most fun!

We always want children leaving the session wanting more and therefore looking forward to coming back to the gym.


Upon registration all mini-athletes will receive a welcome box. This welcome box begins the journey of creating a sense of belonging for your athlete. Uniforms unite us and help us to feel as though we belong to something bigger than ourselves - a team.

Included in this box is:

  • CrossFit CBD Preschool Jersey

  • Attendance Tracking Card

  • First Class Photo Card

  • CrossFit CBD Preschool Sticker

  • CrossFit CBD Preschool Avatar Sticker (Either a fox, wolf or cheetah, chosen by your athlete)

  • CrossFit CBD Preschool Avatar colouring in sheet

    Athletes will also receive a placement of their chosen Avatar to use in the gym.